I wrote some maze poems in my just released book: Paw Learning Mazes. There are thirty-four mazes, which are parts of eight maze poems:
"Mazes of Learning Maze"
"Dogs Helping with the Writing Process Mazes"
"Cats Grading Essays Mazes"
"Ethos, Logos, and Pathos Maze"
"Dancing Political Fingers and Paws Mazes"
"A STEM Dream about an Egret Mazes"
"Spying on the Paws of Life Mazes"
"Hissing for Free Space Mazes"
"Mazes of Learning Maze"
"Dogs Helping with the Writing Process Mazes"
"Cats Grading Essays Mazes"
"Ethos, Logos, and Pathos Maze"
"Dancing Political Fingers and Paws Mazes"
"A STEM Dream about an Egret Mazes"
"Spying on the Paws of Life Mazes"
"Hissing for Free Space Mazes"